
Showing posts from May, 2015

CallDataMethod trigger in Xamarin Forms

Here’s a very simple implementation of a CallDataMethod trigger in Xamarin Forms: public class CallDataMethod: TriggerAction < VisualElement > { public string Method { get ; set ; } #region implemented abstract members of TriggerAction protected override void Invoke (VisualElement sender) { MethodInfo method = sender.GetType ().GetRuntimeMethod (Method, new Type[ 0 ]); if (method != null ) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters (); if (parameters.Length == 0 ) method.Invoke (sender, null ); } } #endregion } For a demo, let’s say we have two text-boxes (Entry control in Xamarin Forms) and you want to enable the second one when the first has ten characters: <? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " UTF-8 " ?> < ContentPage xmlns = " ...

Manually install Xamarin Studio addins

Just copy the .dll file to (note the Xamarin Studio version, it might be different today): on Windows : %LocalAppData%\XamarinStudio-5.0\LocalInstall\Addins on Mac : /Users/[YourUser]/Library/Application Support/XamarinStudio-5.0/LocalInstall/Addins Source:

Add ImageFailed and ImageOpened to the Xamarin Forms Image control

Currently the Image control in Xamarin Forms does not have an event to handle when image could or couldn't open. I created a way to do this by extending the implementation for the Image control and ImageSource. Check out the source code and a demo app on my GitHub: I implemented two ways to handle image loaded status. You could either:  1. Use the Image derived class ImageEx which exposes ImageOpened and ImageFailed events: < controls:ImageEx Source = " " ImageFailed = " Image_ImageFailed " ImageOpened = " Image_ImageOpened " /> 2. Handle the status change right on the ImageSource instance: ImageSourceExtensions.SetStatusChangedHandler (MyImage.Source, (sender, status) => { Debug.WriteLine( " Image status: {0} " , status); }); where MyImage is an Image control in your Page To add the implementation in your apps, you need to: 1. Add ImageSour...

Cross platform splash screen in Xamarin Forms

If the splash screen is more than just an image, you can treat the splash screen as a Xamarin Page. To make this there are some steps: Step 1 . set the App’s MainPage to the splash screen page: public partial class App : Application { public App() { InitializeComponent(); Setup.Init(); // with XLabs, you would do (Page)ViewFactory.CreatePage<SplashViewModel>(); MainPage = new SplashPage(); } Step 2 .  In SplashPage, after some logic is done, you will need to “navigate” to your first app’s page. This means you just need to set again the App’s MainPage, i.e”: void ShowMainPage() { MainPage = new SplashPage(); } The issue is how do you call this. If you are not doing any logic in the splash screen, you can just do something like this: public class SplashPage : Page { async protected override void OnAppearing() { ...